Give my muse a ridiculous nickname.
priestess-reincarnated: "Is it that way, or— ah?"The woman before her didn't give off an aura Kagome...
"Is it that way, or— ah?"The woman before her didn't give off an aura Kagome could easily recognize; she wasn't a demon per say but it was obvious she wasn't human either. Still, it didn't feel like she meant the miko any harm. Just in case, though, she kept a hand on her bow.
"Yes, maybe. I think I'm lost. I've lost my group."
The deity continued to keep her gentle smile while letting her tail have a gentle sway. The woman before her was indeed kind and she could see she was lost obviously even if she didn’t speak. The way her eyes would trail from one thing to another.”You’re in the Eastern lands.”She stated it before continuing with her words.”I’m Arya, the deity that watches over these lands.”Even though her facial features didn’t show her markings her shoulders and just above her cleavage showed a small hint of them since she figured it would be a decent thing to do to show the truth.”And I wouldn’t mind trying to get you back to your friends.”
“Well it would seem as if I have another visitor and my a very beautiful one this time too~...
“Well it would seem as if I have another visitor and my a very beautiful one this time too~ Is there something I can help you with, Ms?”
And for this anon's final item.... A basket of grapes and wine chilled in ice.
"Oh my~ What a wonderful gift. I'll be sure to enjoy this once the sun starts to set."
"What's this glowing green rock for?"
Then how about some snacks, fair one?
"Hm. I suppose. I am a little hungry."
A brand new kimono
"This Kimono is simply marvelous. What material is this made of, silk?"
"Now, now, it's still to early to start drinking~"
Tray of fresh baked cookies
"These treats are smell alright but considering I don't eat things like this, why was I given these?"
"What is this? Honestly, this hunk of metal isn't even worth anything."The deity sighed and melted the metal bar in her hand.
Give my muse an item and see how they react.
Please reblog if you roleplay Inuyasha
I just started this blog and am new to the Inuyasha RP Fandom, so I would like to get out there and meet some more people! If you could be so kind as to reblog this, I would be most grateful!
“What a wonderful name for someone like you.”She had a gentle smile on her features...
“What a wonderful name for someone like you.”She had a gentle smile on her features while she spoke. She meant no harm to the mix-breed. After all she wasn’t one to judge who someone is of any race though her smile faded once she caught on to May’s unsure aura.”There isn’t a reason to be worried. I’m not here to hurt you at all. After all I was raised better and taught to not single someone out for what they are. I adore all types of people.”She added while letting her frown vanish at that moment.
Truth: In your immortal state, how do you view making relationships with mere mortals?
"I do not see anything wrong with an the two together. I myself don't know how I'd do as I've never had a relationship in the time I've been alive but I again don't see anything wrong with things as such. If they are happy then who are we to say differently? I find equality in all races no matter if they're seen as a monster or not."
Please preface questions with "Truth"
yesayame: Ayame could only manage a nod. She couldn't relate too much to the deity, except for the...
Ayame could only manage a nod. She couldn't relate too much to the deity, except for the vague similarity of leadership and the upkeeping of reputation. "That's still rather interesting. I don't travel much with my responsibilities, so it's nice to be out on diplomatic duties every once so often." It was only occasionally that she parted from the north where she wasn't doing perimeters or looking for any trouble out of boredom.
A smile crossed her features at hearing the deity seem mildly entertained by her comment. It was rare she could feel so immediately comfortable around another female, especially another of her breed. She usually butted heads with the "ladies" in her tribe—if you could even call them that. They weren't too lady-like, that was for sure. "I used to like to pick fights when I was younger. I thought it would help me in my leadership endeavors, but I've grown a bit since then."
The fact that the deity had a structure for a home rather than a den struck Ayame with surprise. She had been expecting a cave, but this woman had herself set up quite nicely. She stepped inside, looking around in a state of curiousity, examining everything inside from ceiling to floor. Emerald pools shifted back to the deity as she spoke. To be honest, she wasn't sure what to ask for. "Ah, I can't think of anything specific. Do you have anything in mind? I'm fine with whatever you want."
Considering Arya wasn’t actually a demon but could pass as one with her abilities of magic she only was considered a stray or halfbreed. Though that would also consider the fact she’d rarely speak of her high status unless it was a formal greeting in which she’d say it as a title along with give a nice feel of her aura in which she did with Ayame but it wasn’t exactly as if she liked doing so regardless.”I can’t exactly say everyone is the same. Considering I’m not of a demon tribe I can’t exactly say I, myself what is acceptable and what is not but it’s different with each tribe I’d run into since not all of them are of the same kind of demon. Though I can say my travels to the western lands had brought me something I didn’t expect.”She cooed around her last words while she grabbed a bottle of sake and a small cup to put it in then set it next to her while she went in the back to grab some steaks she’d keep frozen. It was nice to be able to have at least a cabin to do this in since she’d use the spare room as a cooler for her meats and other foods that needed to be cared for.
“Do you know a man by the name of Sesshomaru?”She asked her question after she returned to the small area of the cabin and sat down in front of the fire pit. Giving a small snap of her fingers she tossed a small fire ball into the wood and allowed it catch on fire so she could cook. It wasn’t as if she had much at the moment but she didn’t see anything wrong with having steak. After all she did love meat.
Placing the meat onto the fire she then poured herself a cup of sake before offering it to the demoness. She wasn’t exactly forcing her to take it but a simple offer couldn’t hurt.
“Well I can say this. I haven’t exactly met someone to actually be able to match me in power.”She continued with her small story.”You could say me and him are opposites in more ways then one.”She gave a simple smirk before downing the beverage that was in her cup before pouring more. It was indeed rare that she would meet someone of such caliber that she’d be impressed enough to want to get their attention but nonetheless it wasn’t something she’d wish to do a lot as it would only bring trouble she didn’t desire but either way she just wanted to know the taiyoukai more but she could only pray that she’d be able to get under that hardened shell of his.
orta-and-the-lily: Honor to Rage, the light that once shined as...
Honor to Rage, the light that once shined as Excalibur began to fade.
yesayame: Hesitantly, she followed the deity in a small run, slowing to a walk as she caught up...
Hesitantly, she followed the deity in a small run, slowing to a walk as she caught up with her. She wanted to know about her? "Ah, I'm just a leader, I guess. I took over for my grandfather when he passed away a few years back. There's not much else to me. I just spend my time taking care of business with the other wolf tribes and surveying the area to make sure there's no danger." She answered, placing a finger on her chin in thought, trying to find more about herself. "How about you?" She asked in return, trying to be polite. She was curious, but Ayame was just going to let her volunteer what she wanted about herself.
This deity sure was kind. That could have been expected, though, seeing as she was a rather calm individual. "I suppose I could take you up on that." The demoness smiled. "You're pretty friendly, aren't you? I'm sure my sector would appreciate meeting a deity such as yourself."
“I could say the same. There isn’t much to say about me other then I’ve done a lot of traveling, I don’t exactly have much to me but the power I possess and the reputation this land holds.”She did try and keep peace within these lands in her daily wanders. It kept her mind off of her loneliness and she’d sometimes meet new people but regardless she did continue to have some hope of being able to have a family one day but that was just her, not many people saw her to be fit for having a family as she was a monarch and people saw her more fit for being a miracle worker of some sort and a protector of these lands even if she liked it or not. Of course she had her own will but it was still hard to say no.
Looking at Ayame from the corner of her eye she gave a soft chuckle and nodded.”I can be. I’m friendly at first or unless I see something wrong but for the most part I don’t exactly like to fight for no reason.”A small blush tinted her cheeks after she was done talking though she didn’t know what else to say. She appreciated it that she’d be liked within the tribe but it was still something she didn’t know what to say about since she hadn’t really been around to many tribes.
Once she opened the door to her cabin she waited for the demoness to come in and make herself at home before allowing herself to get comfortable.”Anything specific you would like to eat?”She inquired so she could possibly know what to cook for her guest so she didn’t end up making something she possibly would turn away and that wasn’t something she wanted.
ask-the-dog-demon: "That's how it was for me….everyone saw me as a half-breed, nothing more. If I...
"That's how it was for me….everyone saw me as a half-breed, nothing more. If I hadn't met my friends….I'd be the same as I was back then. They've taught me a lot and I now believe no one is destined to be alone. You just have to find the right person who accepts you for you, nothing else…..and everything will change for the better."
“Then would you mind if we became friends? I’d honestly love to actually get to know you more. You seem as if you really have an interesting story to tell and even with what you told me I can really see you’re a kind hearted person.”